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First-year Computer Science Ph.D. student at Yale University


Hi! My name is Sizhuang He. I’m a first-year Computer Science Ph.D. student at Yale University, advised by Dr. David van Dijk. Previously, I completed my Bachelor’s degree at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, majoring in Honors Mathematics and minoring in Computer Science.

I am dedicated to the development of deep learning methodologies with biomedical applications. My current research is centered around modeling continuous spatiotemporal dynamics using neural networks, grounded in theories of integral equations and iterative methods. Additionally, I have a keen interest in Geometric Deep Learning and Language Models and their applications in computational biology.

During my undergraduate studies, I have also worked on a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) project focused on Federated Learning in Medical Applications, advised by Dr. Maria Han Veiga. This project sparkled my interest in machine learning.


  1. E. Zappala, D. Levine, S. He, S. Rizvi, S. Lévy and D. van Dijk, Operator Learning Meets Numerical Analysis: Improving Neural Networks through Iterative Methods, arXiv:2310.01618